Tablescape Series is the result of AGUA Design’s first collaboration with ceramic artist K. Y. Chang. It is designed for people who are tired, trapped in the office, and need a little inspiration and something up-lifting. Save a little spare space for Todigonggong, the guardian deity who will bring you luck and blessing. TODIGONGGONG & TODIPOPO The Todigonggong statue is also a seal, completed with a brief description of his legend. The statue’s shape and details make its production very challenging, but its simple beauty surely scores high in all the collectors’ hearts! Just spare a small space on your desk, you can create your own “getaway space” with a small plant, a tiny bridge, or a small statue of land god to bring you fortune and luck. Refresh your table and your thoughts with a new and pleasant mini scenery. HAPPYGARDEN A green leaf picked from road side can be the base to create a personal garden and sanctuary. The long neck and heavy base sports a neo-oriental flare while is easy to hold and use. The decorative branch is also a fun motive that can echo with the real leaves in the vase. The vase’s shape and details make its production very challenging, but its simple beauty surely scores high in all the collectors’ hearts! 水越設計歷時兩年的「桌上風景系列」企劃問世,與陶瓷家張可昱共同合作開發,挑戰細膩手感及瓷器難度高的幾何造形與拼組製造。 在桌面打造和平空間 桌上風景-土地公公、土地婆婆 今年是土地公公31410歲生日(農曆2.2),從周武王至今,他一直是最貼近我們生活的守護神,繼隨身手記 f-my bodyguard 之後,化身桌上風景,搭配好、准印章功能,在桌面一隅5x4x7cm的立方空間,簡單打造屬於自己的平安好運。 土地公常公事繁忙,到處趴趴走。顧家的土地婆為了維持家庭的和樂,常會手持如意,祈求事事吉祥。後人為了紀念祂們,廟裡也都會將土地公婆擺放在一起,土地婆手持如意除了象徵事事順利外,也代表了愛情與家庭的幸福美滿。 大家都有快樂花園 桌上風景--花器賞 一枝路邊綠葉、一枝綻開野花,放入桌上風景-花器賞,裝上水,就能在平淡的桌面,擁有一個屬於自己的祕密花園。方明瓶口,穩重底座,簡潔方圓造型的細膩質感花器,搭配似真的粗手感陶瓷樹枝,體積剛剛好適合在手中把玩,並依照心情變換花園的景色。

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